19rd March, 2012 by IBENU K.A
Objective: Mahasiswa
1. Definition of Management
Management is an integrated process in which individuals as part of the organizations involved to plan, organize, execute and control activities, all of which are directed at targets that have been determined and persistent over time. Management process to run smoothly, and the system required a solid organizational structure. On the organization, all activities should be oriented to the achievement of targets. The organization serves as a container to pour the concepts, management ideas. So we can say that management is a series of responsibilities that are closely related to each other.
1.2 Definition of figuring
Cybercafe or internet cafe is one of a promising business in Indonesia. Usually the spread of Internet in public places, both schools and places of business. Most of the cafe-cafe falling because consumers are not satisfied until a natural disaster. Internet cafe management is needed to avoid this and to build better conditions.
1.3 Initial Investment figuring Opening
Open in early March 2010, a capital of 10 million Plus I was just a lcd 15 "
1. of 10 million that I can get 3 units of pentium 4 computer memory @ 512 mb with 20 gb hard disk.
2. at 1-5 months of the cafe was deserted condition of new subscribers at month 6 there is money collected so as to buy another 1 unit pentium 4 again. so on every month to buy one unit of Pentium 4.
3. to walk skearang almost 2 years the number of client computers to 15 computers with details of the 8 units of Pentium 4 and 7 duol core unit.
1.4 Building Warnet
To start building a cafe, starting with a market survey to prepare the hardware and software.
1. Surveys in some future time be accepted or not
2. Determine the exact position to place / location cafe
3. Determine how many users maximum for cafe
4. Determine the hardware needed for cafes, such as:
• computer to checkout
computer to the cashier, I recommend at least a pentium 4.
5. computer to a server / firewall. Some computer cafe cashier and choose merge into a single server to reduce costs.
6. computer user. Customers can be determined, whether the facility can use a webcam, sound, mic, and others.
7. Another thing that sold other than services of the cafe. Customers who had long been in the cafe will have problems if he left his position. Selling drinks and even food can be an alternative. Internet cafes can also sell other items such as Flash disk to paper.
8. Safety equipment. The disaster happened because of man and nature are common. Preparing tindakam prevention equipment is a good preventive.
9. Choose the provider.
To choose your provider depending on the needs of the cafe, if purely for internet cafes please take a 1 mega speedy package (enough to serve up to 10 clients) when opening an online game (such as point blank) I suggest taking a separate network from the rest
10. Choosing a payment technique. Several techniques are known / used by the cafe.
• Calculation of hourly
• Calculation of per minute
• Calculation Per unit of time. 20 minutes, 15 minutes even 30 minutes.
• Select a minimum payment. Standard range of different cafes, some
draw the line at least 30 minutes, 1 hour and even 10 minutes.
11. Choosing a payment tolerance. Tolerance here means more time than that used by the customer before he entered the next time. For example: A customer was in the cafe system per 15 minutes. He wore for 1 hour 2 minutes. In which cafe tolerate 5 minutes before he entered the time of the next 1 minute and 15 minutes. Some cafes do not tolerate, if the customer has entered into a second later than 1 hour, then he is considered to enter the next time.
1.5 computer to the cashier, I recommend at least a pentium 4.
computer to a server / firewall. Some computer cafe cashier and choose merge into a single server to reduce costs.
1.6 computer user. Customers can be determined, whether to use the facility
webcam, sound, mic, and others.
· other services that are sold in addition to the cafe. Customers who had long been in the cafe will have problems if he left his position. Selling drinks and even food can be an alternative. Internet cafes can also sell other items such as Flash disk to paper.
· safety equipment. The disaster happened because of man and nature are common. Preparing tindakam prevention equipment is a good preventive.
1.7 Selecting a provider.
To choose your provider depending on the needs of the cafe, if purely for internet cafes please take a 1 mega speedy package (enough to serve up to 10 clients) when opening an online game (such as point blank) I suggest taking a separate network from the rest.
1.8 Choosing a payment technique. Several techniques are known / used by
· Calculationof hourly
· Calculation of per minute
· Calculation Per unit of time. 20 minutes, 15 minutes even 30 minutes.
· Select a minimum payment. Standard range of different cafes, some draw the line at least 30 minutes, 1 hour and even 10 minutes.
· Selecting payments tolerance. Tolerance here means more time than that used by the customer before he entered the next time. for example: [1] Some cafes do not tolerate, if the customer has entered into a second later than 1 hour, then he is considered to enter the next time.
1.9 Hardware Problem.
Always be aware of hardware issues. The worst of these problems are can lead to catastrophic fires.
· The mouse does not move or problematic. There are various solutions to deal with the mouse. This solution applies to the keyboard problem
· Disconnect from the port and re-enter.
· Replace the Mouse.
· Monitor problems. Always pay attention to monitor the condition of the customer. Monitor customers are very old compared to the monitor
2.0 Software Problem
Software problems can vary from minor problems and weight problems. The most heaviest of the matter is Reformat. But there is a solution for a quick install is to create a ghost file.
2.1 The issue of customer
· Customers vary. From the polite and anarchists. Affirm you and ask for help when the constriction.
· The customer asked for help. Always lock the place of payment of money before helping yourself and lock your computer before coming by pressing (Alt + ctrl + del) and select the standby or lock your computer.
· The customer opens a porn site. Define your attitude is mainly follow the rules of the cafe, whether to allow or liberating. When someone asks to open a porn site, admonish and report to your supervisor.
· Customer facility damage. Scolds and stop him, if circumstances demand that the customer goes to heat up. Damage to facilities / hardware will be the responsibility of those who served on the shift.
2.2 Customer borrow
Make sure there are no customers who do penghutangan. At the checkout please write a request for'' no'' to the customer menghutang. Menghutang expected no events. If he menghutang and put there goods as collateral, make sure the goods belonged to him.
2.3 Crime in the cafe
Cafe that runs 24 hours a night or over the limit at 21.00 prone to crimes like robbery and hold-up. Including hardware theft.